Search Engine Optimization
Specifying media objectives

Specifying media objectives

1 - What proportion of the target population will be reached with the advertising message during the specified advertising period?

2 � How frequently do members of the target market need to be exposed to the advertising message during the period?

3 � How much total advertising is necessary to accomplish the reach and frequency objectives?

4 � How should the advertising budget be allocated?

5 � How close to the time of the purchase should the target audience be exposed to the advertising message.

6 � What is the most cost effective way to accomplish the other marketing objectives?

Reach � the percentage of the target audience that is exposed at least once during a specified time frame.

Frequency � signifies the number of times on average during the media planning period of four weeks that members of the target audience will be exposed to the media vechels.

GRP � Gross rating point

GRP = Reach x Frequency

TARPS � target audience rating points

ERP � effective rating points




- Marketing Communication tools
- Consumer processing model
- Elaboration likelihood model
- Geo demographic targeting
- Functions of Advertising
- MECCAS model
- Messages research methods
- Types of broad cast media
- Specifying media objectives
- Direct marketing
- PR and sponsorship marketing
- Leo Burnett advertising agency
- Clemenger advertising agency
- Saatchi and Saatchi advertising
- Host advertising agency
- George Patterson advertising
- Adcorp advertising agency
- DDB advertising agency
- BMF Advertising advertising
- Lowe Hunt advertising agency
- SMART advertising agency
- Creativity advertising agency
- TV Ad That I Like
- TV Ad That I Dislike
- Alternative Media


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