A sign � a sports car is a good sign to some people but not to others
Message � a commercial certain messages can appeal to some people.
�Miscomprehension �
TV messages not understood by people.
Message unclear, misleading.
CPM � cold calculating cognitive
HEM � Hot EM potential 3f�s
Consumer processing model
Stage 1 � Exposure to information
When consumers see a marketers message, if it�s on TV, radio or in a
magazine. Exposure is a primary step for contacting with customers.
Gaining success is important but success mostly depends on the
messages quality.
Stage 2 � Selective attention
People who don�t suffer hay fever for example will not pay attention
to a hay fever commercial on TV.
Stage 3 � Comprehension of attended information
Stage 4 � Agreement with comprehended information
Consumers must agree with what is advertised by the marketers because
if they do not understand or agree with the things been advertised
they may not purchase the product. Also weather the message is
credible or trustworthy is another important factor when a consumer
chooses the product.
Stage 5 � Retention in memory of accepted information
Elements of memory �
Types of learning
Search and retrieval of information
Stage 6 � Retrieval of information from memory
Dual coding theory � where pictures in visual and also verbal form are
remembered by the public.
Stage 7 - Decision making from alternatives
Stage 8 � Action taken on the basis of the decision