Search Engine Optimization
Public Relations and sponsor ship marketing

Sales promotion

Any incentive used by manufacturers to induce the trade and/or consumers to buy a brand and encourage the sales force to aggressively sell it.

The incentive is additional to the basic benefits provided by the brand and temporarily changes its perceived price
or value.

Sales promotions can�t �

Compensate for lack of training and advertising.

Give a long-term reason for repeat purchases of the brand.

Permanently stop an established brand�s declining sales or basic non-acceptance.




- Marketing Communication tools
- Consumer processing model
- Elaboration likelihood model
- Geo demographic targeting
- Functions of Advertising
- MECCAS model
- Messages research methods
- Types of broad cast media
- Specifying media objectives
- Direct marketing
- PR and sponsorship marketing
- Leo Burnett advertising agency
- Clemenger advertising agency
- Saatchi and Saatchi advertising
- Host advertising agency
- George Patterson advertising
- Adcorp advertising agency
- DDB advertising agency
- BMF Advertising advertising
- Lowe Hunt advertising agency
- SMART advertising agency
- Creativity advertising agency
- TV Ad That I Like
- TV Ad That I Dislike
- Alternative Media

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